on March 31, 2010 by BunnyHugger in Interviews, News, Comments (1)
Beltrami Reflects on Mayoral Career
[ SD News sat down with Beltrami, balloon dragontaur, to discuss her recently-ended career as mayor. As her responses were gestural rather than verbal, we have provided descriptions of them. ]
Has it been difficult re-adjusting to the life of an ordinary citizen?
What accomplishment are you most proud of, from your time as mayor?
Beltrami points to a desk calendar at the 17th and then to the 10th April, and rolls her hand clockwise several times. Beltrami pauses… she then points back to February and the weeks of campaign and election. She spreads out her hands and cups them together where a heart would go.
Beltrami grins one more time…she touches her belly and traces out lines, one toward BunnyHugger, one to Chitter, one off to other directions – then lines tracing those other ways to BunnyHugger, off again in another direction, a web drawn out in air.
What was the most difficult challenge you faced as mayor?
Beltrami’s tails bounce. She taps her forehead, then spreads her hands from holding together to being wide apart. Beltrami’s eyes widen – she holds up two fingers and then looks through the calendar, turning back to Iceberg Day and pointing to that! Beltrami points to the many empty days on the calendar though and rubs her neck.
Well, in my opinion, you need ordinary days too to make the special ones special.
[ Chitter: Hugger, you’re supposed to be interviewing, not giving opinions. ]
Oops, er….
Beltrami nods to BunnyHugger – and grins to Chitter – but she still counts her fingers…. She shrugs and holds her lower hands out, then moves them a little closer together.
Do you think you might ever run for mayor again in the future?
Beltrami grins a little…. She nods slowly, but she rolls her hand clockwise a number of times before touching her head. She brushes her hatless head again…. She wavers her hand, smiling some, but frowning some too.
There has been some discussion over whether we should have elections every year or every two years. You served for a little over two years before a second election was held. Do you favor one- or two-year terms for subsequent mayors?
Beltrami holds up one finger. She pats her chest and rolls her hand nearly two full loops, then flops her head forward wearily.
Beltrami pats her chest and forehead and rubs her hands together, and – with time – lets the space between them grow again.
What do you think will be the greatest challenge faced by the current administration?
Beltrami raises her head exposing her chin, and she strokes along her neck, the position for a voicebox. She pats herself and holds up one finger – and grins at this – and then rolls her hand clockwise a loop, holding up two fingers, and holds her lower hands out palms up.
Beltrami nods. She looks to the calendar again, and she holds her hands a little apart, then makes the distance between them grow.
April 3, 2010 @ 9:13 pm
Beltrami’s administration was low-key but effective, and as Mayor she was quite responsive to those who needed her attention. She has earned the gratitude of those of us who benefited from her leadership, and raised the bar for all those who will wear the Hat in years to come. =^[.]^=