on March 20, 2011 by BunnyHugger in News, Comments (0)

Text Adventurers Escape Vault, Master Magic

This Sunday a group of adventurers in the Gamer’s Roost met the challenge of the quirky interactive fiction puzzle game, “Suveh Nux.”  [This article contains very light spoilers. No puzzle solutions, but it may spoil surprises]  The following account was supplied by Dewi, local Farfetch’d.

The adventure began with a simple task given to us by our master: To bring a scroll to the vault and deliver an invisible critter to his study. Things took a turn for the worse, however! We were knocked on the back of the head and locked in the vault, dropping and letting the creature escape! Searching around, we found a book of magic spells in the vault, containing stories and words in a mysterious, magical language. But none of the spells were quite right or at all useful by themselves…. in order to manipulate our environment and escape the prison, we would have to figure out the logic of the magical words and how to manipulate them into new spells and effects. Players suggested and discussed courses of action that were usually entered by Claude. Gradually the players managed to crack the code of the spellbook, master the spells, retrieve the invisible creature, and escape the vault! The total score, however, was only 95/100 so it’s certain that we missed a few things….

Dewi plans to continue running Interactive Fiction games every weekend at the gamer’s roost. This week’s time was 10 AM to 12 noon. Dewi requests that interested parties send mail to suggest different times or other IF games.

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