Suri Produces Buttons – Non-sniffable

on April 26, 2010 by Findra in News, Comments (1)

Example of the Secret Lemur Button. As Plenipotentiary of the Secret Lemur Empire, I’m pleased to announce that we are producing Buttons, so that Spindizzians travelling to Conventions may now […]


Skyler and Findra Discover Faster-Than-Light Travel – Without Moving

on April 24, 2010 by Findra in News, Comments (0)

In the wee early hours of Saturday morning, Findra and Skyler, local wizard bunnies (no relation) claimed to have discovered how to travel faster than light, without actually moving anywhere […]


Cave Story Launch Party Announced

on March 17, 2010 by Findra in Events, News, Comments (0)

To celebrate the release of the freeware masterpiece Doukutsu Monogatari – better known as Cave Story – for Nintendo WiiWare on March 22nd, I’ll be throwing a Launch Party. […]