on April 16, 2015 by Austin in News, Comments (0)

Love Day Reported Observed at Astrophysics Laboratory

Love Day, April 10th, was observed with a gathering at the Stardust Bioenergetics and Astrophysics Laboratory, N4 W2, this year, according to a bulletin board post by Mayor Sirianna. The event, per the announcement, was “to celebrate your passions and share them with others” by “holding forth on why what subject you, dear citizens find most fascinating”. Specific examples given in the mayor’s announcement included “poetry, music, even ballads … sylviculture and quantum mechanics” and even a potluck for those “passionate about matters culinary”.

This reporter was unable to attend the Love Day events, and has been unable to find a report of what happened then. If someone familiar with the actual event would provide, here or on the muck, a brief description of what kinds of things were shown off, or how they were received, or who participated, or who attended, this contribution to the community’s knowledge would be most appreciated. Please write in if you have information to share.

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