on July 31, 2014 by Austin in Changes and Amendations, Comments (0)

Changes and Amendations: Tottle Two-Headed, Bleu Unseen

Tottle has returned to his original two-headed nature. The hare, despite fears of attracting too much attention to himself, has longed for some while to return to his two-headed form and was able to be sculpted into such by Beltrami, who was herself debuting her balloon chicken form. Tottle does want it known that despite the paired heads he is just a single person, and he does not wish to be regarded as exotic, or as twins. The “multi fur” community on SpinDizzy — persons with a greater than typical number of heads, limbs, or bodies — is presently small but has been larger in the past.

Beltrami’s balloon chicken form is a more cartoonish and less realistic shape than many of her previous bodies have been. The less literal form seems to have been taken so that her pleated-body ‘feathers’ can still move as fingers.

Seen rather less of this month was Bleu the otter, who had an invisibility spell cast upon her by the noted fairy rabbit Leslie. The invisibility was apparently given at her request and was used for recreational otter mischief. She did express some frustration when it lasted even during times she wanted to be seen. She sometimes used visibility sprays when she needed the opacity.

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