on June 15, 2010 by Kelketek in News, Comments (1)

SED Acquires New PR Representative, Changes Name, Logo

The SED has begun a reformation in its approach to public relations, starting with a change in its acronym’s meaning to the “Society of Elite Defenders.”

SED Logo

The new SED logo

“We’ve dropped all previous definitions of our acronym in favor of this one. The Society of Elite Defenders wants to convey in its name precisely what it exists to do– provide for the common defense, so that SpinDizzians can live peacefully,” said new public relations fox Kelketek. “Previous wordings did not properly convey this sentiment, and in fact, often communicated precisely the opposite of what we intended.”

“We have also created a new logo,” the fox said, unveiling the graphic. “We believe this, using tones of green and a heroic sword, convey the essence of the Society for Elite Defenders.”

Azure, who is known to be part of an organization outspoken against the SED, made the “unexpectedly friendly” comment, “I believe that the SED will provide protection in the fine tradition of legitimate businessmen, and I will send them a box of cannoli as to congratulate them on their fine job of rebranding.”

On the selection of Kelketek as the new public relations manager, he said “Their new public relations officer is the best possible candidate for the job and, in view of the company he’s keeping, deserves all the support and affection that can be given him on a personal level. On a professional level I’d say he could use some adversity and all the affection that can be given him.”


Kelketek, SED public relations manager

Resident lolcat Claude expressed some tone of doubt, “Well, if the SED wants to change image, they made a good choice of spokesperson. But it’s not an easy task. I’m still waiting to see how the inhabitants of SpinDizzy will reconcile the reinforced message of the SED with its rather infamous history.”

The Society of Elite Defenders is expected to release Personality Intensifier Engines to the public soon.

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1 Comment

  1. BunnyHugger

    June 16, 2010 @ 11:11 am

    You’re not fooling anyone!

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