on July 31, 2014 by Austin in Events, Comments (0)
Remembrance of the Players
The Day of Remembrance, held at the end of May, was marked with a day spent in the Memorial Plaza. Longtime residents shared their recollections of those whose players have died, and admitted the frustration and embarrassment at the deaths of players who are less well-remembered. All persons on SpinDizzy matter, or should, and a holiday such as this is a chance to reinforce that mattering.
Mote observed that Carri-Vixen — the server wizard on Toons, Furr, and Fluff, our ancestor muck — has not been heard from since about the time of the older muck’s collapse. Her player had suffered from lupus and the silence is unexplained but ominous.
To the best of our knowledge no players from SpinDizzy have died in the past year. It is true, though, that it is hard to tell whether someone who has stopped appearing has simply moved on to other interests or has been lost to our love.
Tags: carri-vixen, day of remembrance, holidays, Memorial Plaza, Mote, tf&f
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