on August 7, 2012 by BunnyHugger in , Comments (0)

Olympics: Wrestling

August 9, 2012 @ 1:45 am – 4:00 am
Olympic Stadium ("park")

Wrestling is a two person game. Two people (must be from opposing teams) meet in the arena and each attempts to dominate the other. The two participants in each match may decide on the form the wrestling may take: ‘professional’ (more dramatic or silly) or ‘traditional’ (attempt to pin or cause the other opponent to submit). ‘Traditional’ is not boxing or MMA.

Each match is time limited, but unlimited poses are allowed. If one participant clearly pins or otherwise wins, the judges don’t have to do anything. If the time has expired and there is no clear winner, the judges will decide who might have won had the match continued. Time remaining will be noted throughout each match.

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