SpinDizzy Web Client: In Living Color

on July 12, 2011 by Skyler in News, Comments (0)

Years and years ago, SpinDizzy had a neat little way for people to connect to it without having to use an actual client. Finally, a program has been found that […]


SpinDizzy Leaves Centripedus Waypoint

on January 27, 2011 by Skyler in News, Comments (1)

After two and a half months of refueling, repairs, and upgrades, SpinDizzy (known as SpinDizzy Alpha to the officials on Centripedus) is on its way once again, vaulting through deep […]


Call For Items For SpinDizzy Time Capsule

on August 17, 2010 by Skyler in Events, News, Comments (0)

Frequent readers of the News will already know that SpinDizzy’s first world fair is due to begin August 27. Skyler, SpinDizzy’s yellow cartoon bunny rabbit, is opening a call for […]


‘Ask Auntie Findra’ Column to Return

on June 19, 2010 by Skyler in News, Comments (0)

Several years ago, there was a column in @Action News called “Ask Auntie Findra,” where people would ask me any questions that were on their mind, and I would attempt […]