Inclement Weather Stops, SED Claims Diplomatic Victory

on November 21, 2010 by Kelketek in Events, News, Comments (0)

Recent weather patterns known to be not a part of the normal systems of SpinDizzy or Centripedus have been causing damage to structures and homes over the planetoid was revealed […]


Services for Elation Debugging Offers Free Counseling Service

on November 14, 2010 by Kelketek in News, Comments (0)

The Services for Elation Debugging, a non-profit organization owned by the Society of Elite Defenders, is offering free counseling sessions to the public, claiming the services are for the ‘general […]


Spindizzy Field Effect Nullified

on September 29, 2010 by Kelketek in Events, News, Comments (0)

On September 29, those previously feeling ill effects from the spindizzy field anomalies were observed to recover. The perturbations causing the effects apparently vanished. However, the steering drive was still […]


Beloved Community Member Vanishes Under Mysterious Circumstances

on September 26, 2010 by Kelketek in News, Rose Garden, Comments (0)

Explorers called it ‘odd’ that he was not with the crew, saying that he was a sort of person whose curiosity and sense of adventure always lead him to join trips like these.


Team Attempts SpinDizzy Repair, Uncovers Secret

on September 21, 2010 by Kelketek in Events, News, Comments (0)

On September 21, Azure, Zenkuro, Dragoncat, Kelketek, Wolverine, Alicia, Zeta and others worked to salvage one of the more broken spindizzy drives in hope of using it to reconstruct the […]


SED Auction Raises Funds for Retirement and Rehabilitation Center

on July 5, 2010 by Kelketek in Events, News, Comments (0)

“Thanks to Morticon and the generous population of SpinDizzy, we can begin work on the center soon, and one lucky student will have a good portion of his or her costs covered.”


SED Starts Benevolence Fund for Retirement/Rehabilitation Center

on June 21, 2010 by Kelketek in News, Comments (0)

The Society of Elite Defenders has announced the ‘Society of Elite Defenders Benevolence Fund’ in order to raise money for a retirement and rehabilitation center for those past active duty age or wounded in action.


SED Acquires New PR Representative, Changes Name, Logo

on June 15, 2010 by Kelketek in News, Comments (1)

The SED has begun a reformation in its approach to public relations, starting with a change in its acronym’s meaning to the “Society of Elite Defenders.”


Mental Showdown Ends in Blue Victory, Followed by Firefight

on June 6, 2010 by Kelketek in News, Comments (0)

On Saturday afternoon at the Squirrel Park, Azure and Morticon’s soldier Sora faced off in a psychic battle in which Azure was declared victor. Shortly after, witnesses saw a firefight break out with the capture and surrender of Kelketek and Sora to the Society for Evil Doers.