on August 23, 2013 by Austin in Events, world's fair, Comments (0)
Countdown to World’s Fair in Last Hours
The third SpinDizzy World’s Fair is less than twelve hours from its scheduled preview event — the Fair Monarch Pageant, at which the Spirit of Progress and the Muses of Inspiration are to be drawn from participating talented performers. The affair, prelude to the debut of Expo ’13: Fifteen Years of Progress, is to be at the Edgeworld Park Grandstand at 7 pm server time (Pacific), Friday, the 23rd of August.
The official opening of the fair is scheduled for 8 pm server time on Saturday, the 24th of August, at the Edgeworld Park Center Plaza. New pavilions, new rides, and all manner of entertainments and exhibitions are promised for the Fair. Also the time capsule buried several years ago is to be opened, and materials for a new time capsule gathered.
Tags: anniversary, fair, pageants, Progress, world's fair
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