on July 23, 2012 by BunnyHugger in News, Comments (0)

Torch Relay Launches SpinDizzy Olympics

The run-up to the SpinDizzy Olympics began in earnest Saturday night with the start of the torch relay, organized by Sally, golden eagle. Suri, lemur, carried the Olympic torch through the Rose Garden. The crowd’s celebratory mood was tinged with concern as Suri found a button on the torch that allowed her to turn it up to 11, causing a jet of flame to narrowly miss several spectators. She then delighted PatchO’Black, jellicle cat, by toasting a marshmellow for him.

Sunday night found the torch traveling to Spengo, carried by Rocket, pegasus pony. He seemed nervous but proud to be the torch bearer. Asked what route the torch had taken to arrive in Spengo’s Daisy Garden, Rocket replied, “I flew. It’s one of the perks of being a pegasus pony, you know.”

The torch will continue to travel across many regions of SpinDizzy, making a major public appearance each night, until the lighting of the flame in the new Olympic Stadium on Friday during the Opening Ceremonies.

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