on July 31, 2014 by Austin in Events, Comments (0)
Cuteness Remains Popular
One of the more delightful holidays on the mayoral calendar this year, the Festival of Cuteness, was held in the Balloon Park. Jukka, resuming the services of Mayor, announced it would be a day in which people should show off their cutest morphs, cutest object, and cutest anything else. While there was no specific time for the gathering set and to the best of this reporter’s knowledge no declaration given as to who or what were the cutest things the Balloon Park did serve as the muck’s park of the day and it gathered a crowd of one to two dozen people most of the evening. Miniaturization, jewelry, and makeup were among the trends in cuteness this year, and Zenkuro revealed that she had chosen to take up an exotic form of a human.
Tags: cuteness, festival of cuteness, holidays, human, jukka, miniaturization, Zenkuro
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