on October 22, 2012 by Claude in Events, Comments (0)
Building Class Ends, Final Exams Scheduled
The building class convened for the fifth and last lesson this Sunday at the SpinDizzy Center of Arts and Science (S2 W1). Professor BunnyHugger did not have an assistant this time, but attendance went up again: Austin (coati), Beltrami (balloon critter), Chandra (serval), Claude (LOLcat), GreenKai (norn), J.P. (winged squirrel), Niny’ah (seirmerine), Royce (raccoon) and Skyler (cartoon bunny) were there.
The first topic was spicing up building with programs from the public MUF library. How to browse the library, how to view documentation and general setup instructions were discussed, along with several examples of commonly used programs in less common applications. Actions and moving around were given ample time again.
The second part of the lesson was dedicated to building hygiene: what properties should always be set on various objects, when it is appropriate to override default behaviors, and the use of environment rooms.
Last but not least, the practical exam requirements were outlined and the written exam was scheduled.
Feel free to make use of Claude’s log to recap… or catch up.
Tags: austin, Beltrami, building, bunnyhugger, chandra, class, claude, greenkai, j.p., niny'ah, royce, skyler
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